with the holiday, now over, I welcome a fresh wash from a spring rain. back to work, my thoughts turn to the power of the pen and I begin to write. the cool, damp day outside helps keep me at my desk. rather than tending to the chores or engaging with the land, the rain inspires me to take a more cerebral approach to the day. I turn to a more introspective assessment of my world. as my thoughts begin to germinate it doesn't take long to rediscover that yes, when it rains it pours. especially when we ignore the fact that it is raining.
the farm is quickly teaching me to pay closer attention to the subtleness of the world around me. even a light drizzle brings change to the landscape. seemingly simple acts, starting off perhaps as a few drops can quickly become a overwhelming torrent if we choose to ignore them. which is why I rant today about the power of the pen. silly yes, the audacity of me to think that my little blog can alter the effects of the downpour I see around me. but to me, a sillier notion would be not pen my thoughts. each voice matters, and bold belief in that power has always guided our nation.
yesterday was a day to reflect on the many lives that have been sacrificed to defend in the bold beliefs of united states. we are part of a once proud nation, unwilling to compromise on our inalienable rights. long ago, a few bold believers penned these ideals, and since waves of supports have defended those beliefs with their lives. and while the rest of the nation was focused on the memorial day weekend, president oboma quietly rained on everyones parade. by following the lead of our previous president, a few drop of ink were spilled renewing the patriot act. rather than focusing on a piece of legislation that damages and limits many of our given rights, the news of oboma's actions focused on the "pen" he used to create this new deluge. new controversy on top of old controversy helps to distract us from the effects that this little storm will have on our nation. even a digital pen drop can lead to damage by an unwanted rainstorm.
outside my window, the rain for now ceases to fall. in the background however a drip persists. this rain it seems, has alerted me to troubles the need my attention. our home needs tending. so for now I place down my pen. words alone are not enough in the face of a storm, it is time for action.