"Hello Dawg Fans",..."Hello Lou" we reply. It's homecoming week! And for those celebrating it around the country, it’s time to give in to the fun, soak up every moment of the festivities and recall how it was in your day; the pre-game rituals, the sound of the crowd, the smell of the barbeque, the noise of the pack stadium, the scent of beer on your breath. Yes, college was a time full of good and bad, so why not enjoy this one day a year when you can actually return to your home.
As a Dawg fan I plan to pack the House that James built. On the way to my seats I'll touch the 91 plaque and remember one of the toughest team to ever play the game. Next, I’ll enjoy a good laugh, remembering all the talk before Whammy in Miami. (By the way we still want those rings Dwayne.) It was after that game we started holding up four fingers at the end of the third quarter. (But I don't know why the rest of ya'lll do it around the country.) Once at my seats I'll give in to the stadium, becoming part of the infamous crowd who’s deafening cheers rain down on the players,..."GOOoooooo!,.......HUssKiessssss,....GOOOooo!,.....HUSsKIesssss!." At the half I’ll likely miss the homecoming court presentation and sadly the hall of fame inductees, (If ever a dawg deserved a ring) you'll find me enjoying a fine Washington wine at the tailgate. But surely I'll be back to my seats in time to catch the Husky Legend before the forth quarter. And soon another Homecoming will have come and gone. But before it’s over make sure to stop by our tailgate and celebrate 80 years. Just make sure to wear some purple and bring something good to drink.