I haven't finished my holiday shopping yet. Sure it is a busy time of year but Christmas presents aren't going to buy themselves, so I'd better get to it. Still, after a long days work it is hard get myself motivated to brave the crowds, fight the congestion and deal with all the holiday madness as I seek out the perfect gift. Realistically I'm probably what you'd call a procrastinator.
Over a glass of Simi Landslide vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 2004, I promise myself, tonight is the night I finish gathering gifts. Taking another sip of this wonderful California Cabernet I turn on the TV in search of shopping inspiration. Instead I see another news story warning of toxic made in China toys. Feeling my mood take a dip I flip the channel hoping for better news. This time its a story about the painful holiday travel season. The next story naturally is about bad weather further compounding the headaches of traveling. For me its just another reason not to leave the house. With such good news, no wonder the Holidays is the most stressful time of the year. Now I'm really in need of new inspiration. I take another long sip from my glass and think.
The sweet and balanced fruit of the Simi Landslide Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 2004 goes down smoothly, bring an calming thought to mind. Why not enjoy the rest of this wonderful glass and worry about Christmas later. After another sip the wine whispers in my ear, "remember last year", and with that shopping is over. Getting up from the couch I pour another glass and go in search of those tasty cookies my neighbor gave me. It looks like the Holiday spirit has finally found me.